Albioma is an independent renewable energy producer committed to the energy transition.

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Employees put their skills to the service of the Group every day

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Our thermal, solar and geothermal power plants respectively generate renewable electricity by burning biomass and converting solar energy in a photovoltaic process.

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General meetings of shareholders

Combined General Meeting
of 29 May 2020

Join us at least once per year for this key highlight in the annual life of the Group: our General Meeting of shareholders provides a special platform for our shareholders, giving you the opportunity to engage in dialogue with the executive management team.

Attending the General Meeting of shareholders and exercising your voting rights require you to complete a number of formalities. These are explained in detail in the invitation brochures sent by post to direct and administered registered shareholders, and published online for bearer shareholders at least 21 days before each meeting. Please read these brochures carefully, because they contain important information to make sure that your vote can be counted.

In the event of any difficulty, please do not hesitate to contact us: we will do everything we can to enable you to take part in our General Meetings of shareholders.

Combined General Meeting of 29 May 2020

Important note

In accordance with the provisions of Order No. 2020-321 of 25 March 2020, which adjusts the rules for meetings and deliberation of shareholders’ meetings and governing bodies of legal persons and private law entities without a legal personality in respect of the COVID-19 epidemic, and in view of the lockdown measures in force in France on the date the General Meeting is convened, the Board of Directors has decided to hold the General Meeting behind closed doors, without the shareholders and other members of the General Meeting being physically present.

Under these conditions, shareholders are invited to vote by giving proxy to the Chairman of the General Meeting or the person of their choice or by correspondence, using the voting form or the Votaccess platform. Requests for admission cards cannot be considered, and the shareholders concerned will be invited to amend their voting instructions.

Albioma provides shareholders with a dedicated email address ( enabling them to ask any useful questions, whether they are technical questions relating to attendance at the General Meeting or questions addressed to General Management or the Board of Directors, which would normally have been raised during the meeting.

The General Meeting will be broadcast on the Company’s website in accordance with the terms and conditions that will be specified on this page in the coming weeks.

Voting on the internet

Albioma gives its shareholders the possibility to vote on the internet via the Votaccess platform.

Registered shareholders

The Votaccess platform is accessible from 13 May via the PlanetShares website.

If you hold direct registered shares, you should use your usual PlanetShares login and access code which you will have received by post directly from BNP Paribas Securities Services.

If you hold administered registered shares, use the login shown at the top right of your voting form that you should have received through the post.

If you have lost your login or password for the PlanetShares website, please contact BNP Paribas Securities Services by telephone at the following number: +33 (0)1 57 43 02 30.

Internet voting will be open until the day before the General Meeting. However, we recommend that you connect a few days before this deadline in order to avoid the risk of heavy traffic.

Bearer shareholders

If you hold bearer shares, contact your financial intermediary account holder to check whether they are connected to the Votaccess platform. If your financial intermediary offers this possibility, you will be able to vote on the internet via the website of your financial intermediary account holder using your usual login and password.

Voting by post

All shareholders may send their voting instructions by post, using the voting form.

Registered shareholders


Refer to the notice of meeting brochure below to vote by correspondence or give proxy by post.

Bearer shareholders

Whichever method of participation you choose, please use the voting form if possible, either by requesting it from your financial intermediary account holder or by downloading it from this page.

To vote by correspondence
On the voting form, tick the corresponding box and fill in the boxes corresponding to the resolutions that you disapprove of (or for which you wish to abstain), date, sign and return the voting form to your financial intermediary account holder, instructing them to return it, together with a certificate of participation, to BNP Paribas Securities Services.

To give proxy
On the voting form, tick the corresponding box and clearly indicate the identity and address of your proxy, date, sign and return the voting form to your financial intermediary account holder, instructing them to return it, together with a certificate of participation, to BNP Paribas Securities Services.

To give proxy to the Chairman
Tick the corresponding box, date, sign and return the voting form.
The Chairman will exercise your voting rights in favour of all resolutions approved by the Board of Directors and against all others.